This is a brief story about how we solved the problem of the hunchback standing position in just a few steps 😁🧐
Who is this post for? For people who find standing on CRF300 uncomfortable and need higher positioned handlebar. For those who want to install heated grips and / or handbars on the CRF300.
We also provide the links to parts we used when needed.
Here is a list of handlebar-related tasks to perform:
1. Make Hanna’s uncomfortable standing position relaxed
2. Install heated grips
3. Install hand guards
Improving standing position on CRF300R
The problem was not only the location of the handlebar, but also the angle of the grips. Both of these factors together caused rapid fatigue while riding in standing position and sometimes even hand numbness. I knew that I had to change the handlebar, otherwise we would not change the grip angle and that was where I started my research. Talking to Hanna, I found out what angle suits her best and all that was there to do-was going shopping. As we know each other very well we can communicate precisely even nuances, but if you do not choose handlebar for yourself, I recommend taking the rider with you to the store. Small differences in shape make a big difference.
I found an aluminum handlebar with the right bend of the tips, dedicated to ATV, but it does not matter in this case. With the handlebars in my hand, I chose the elevation, the maximum that the cables and wires allowed.
Be aware that, the cables around the handlebar and the elevation I used do not fit just like that. The cables need to be arranged in a slight different way and checked for proper work in max right/max left position of handlebar. In addition, while assembling hand guards, be careful as the brake hose at the pump is routed from the bottom to top, not the opposite side. If you don’t feel up to it, consider using a 25mm risers instead of changing the handlebar
I am writing this text quite a long time after assembly, and also after a few Honda falls, and I know that this particular handlebar was a good choice. It is very light yet durable.
The parts:
HLP handlebar extension – 30 mm, aluminum
ACCEL handlebar – SH11BK
I bought the handlebar in the Bike Space store in Katowice, I think it can also be obtained in other places without any problems.

Installation for heated grips
Having new handlebar ready it was possible to mount the heated grips. Here, in addition to using the assembly instructions, four things must be noted:
- Buy grips 120 mm long, because that’s the length of the twist grip throttle.
- The original throttle grip is mounted on the tabs, so it should be lifted delicately and carefully not to break the plastic base. To make thing easier, you can simply cut the rubber off, this shifter will not be used anymore. You need to get rid of the tabs on the twist grip throttle to mount it. This is not included in the manual, but if you don’t do that you will not succeed with putting on the new grip . You don’t have to disassemble the left grip, it stays with the old handlebar.
- The controller holder included in heated grips set is not particularly suited to this bike. I made a new one from an aluminum bar and added an additional off-road light switch next to it.
- There is very little space left around the head of the frame for the electric installation of the heated grips and you have to be very careful while you choose it’s position. Be sure to check that when turning handlebar left and right nothing jams or rubs.
Heated grips Oxford Premium Touring – diameter 22 mm, length 120 mm EAN 5030009006913

Hand bars mount
We use ZETA hand bars, they have proven their value many times in several motorcycles. On this bike, I basically only ran into two problems during assembly.
In the installed, new handlebar it was necessary to drill holes both on the right and on the left side, literally 0.3 mm was missing so that the spreaders could be mounted inside.
I had to use different internal mounting parts than provided in the universal kit, so-called u-clamps, to get around the brake wires and clutch cable. I had the necessary parts in the garage.
Handbars work as they should. The bolt is bent, but the hands and door handle are intact.
Handbars ZETA – I bought a universal model with middle type mounting parts, which I had to change to u-clamp. As I write these words, I see that there is a model suited to CRF300 Rally, I hope it fits.

I hope you will find the information useful and it will be easier for you to customise your motorcycle according to your needs and preferences. If you don’t have any questions, we’ll be glad if you leave even a smile in the comment 🙂
See you on the trails.